

I wasn't able to recover a running instance of every single product we made, but you have here a short description for programs we are related to.(Some of our actions taken on games might be considered as illegal... But, please, note that the object of these pages is to document that period as a part of history.)

  • Solitaire. Solitaire is my major product. I finished it in 1991. That is the age without illegal opcodes, yet. It's 100% pure 6510 code ;). I even tried to sell this program to an agency. There's no foreign parts in the game, every byte was done by High Woltage, and one character-set is by Crazy Speed - CSP a.k.a. Ágoston Mihály. The game pack contains three solitaires: My Favourite (a Hungarian version of Sir Tommy), Las Vegas (a.k.a. Klondike) and Canfield.
  • Get a Life. Get a life is a game of Teonaki. I made a splash screen and designed the graphics of the game. In this game you're a virus and you have to kill a mainframe using some sort of VOS ("Virus Operating System") from command line.
  • G-Man trainer. G-Man is a nice game from Code Masters. I trained it to have unlimited time, fuel, missiles, and ammo. The whole trainer intro runs on the screen, I like it really much. Besides I changed the splash image of the game to a self-made one. That image is a collage, is not entirely my design.
  • Oil Imperium (cracked version). Oil Imperium is a strategy-business game, quite an interesting one. And it came with pretty good crack protection, took me some time to get around it.
  • Airborn Ranger (turbo-loading). Airborn Ranger is a pretty nice intellectual commando game. We introduced turbo-loading support into the game to reduce load-time of missions, etc.
  • Our answer! demo. Our answer! is the first and last demo of High Woltage, it was done during the summer of 1990, I think. It's a 5+1 part demo, the size is 198 blocks and it's packaged into one PRG file. We're pretty proud of that. The graphics generally were done by me (sometimes using foreign parts). The code is mine except for Part 4. I state it here again: I never stole or re-wrote a single byte from another demo. All code was designed and coded by me. The music was, as usual, ripped from other demos. I'm not a musician.
  • Big Logo Disk. The big logo disk is a collection of some intros or small demos to present my first 10 logos. This pack was released before Our Answer! The logos and some character sets are original SCC graphics, but I had to use some 3rd party designs (of course no code ripping here either). There're some real killers on the disk.
  • Logo Editor System. A utility package that converts (packs) three color Art Studio pictures into SCC format logos and vice versa. All my (character) logos were made by this tool. It also has a "read me" program.
  • Synthesizer. A sophisticated synthesizer program. I had no real programming in this product, only the splash screen and the intro is my work. I kind of like them.


Blogger November 9, 2016 at 7:07 PM  

Haven't started playing Solitaire on your mobile? Download It Now (Works on iOS & Android)

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C64 Corner

I don't remember exactly when I had my first encounter with the Commodore 64, neither the day when I finished my first program on that machine. But I'm sure that some months later I was programming the 6510 processor in assembly and I was drawing logos and character sets to please my creative instincts.

A year ago (1999?) I ran into a C64 emulator for the PC, the shareware CCS64 of Per Håkan Sundell. While playing the old games like "Revs Simulator", "Katakis", "Le Mans" or "Archon" I realized that somewhere in a drawer I still had my Commodore floppy disks. I borrowed a 1541 II floppy drive and a serial cable and copied all the disks' content into D64 images.


Please note that these disk images are for personal use only. These .D64 files are not distributable by any channels without prior permission of the author.

To view my Commodore 64 products I highly recommend the shareware CCS64 emulator of Per Håkan Sundell. Of course, a real C64 is the best way to experience the touch of the late eighties, early nineties. Visit the CCS64 Home to get the installer.