
Our Answer! (1990)

Our answer was done during the summer of 1990. It's a 5+1 part demo, the size is 198 blocks and it's packaged into one PRG file. We're pretty proud of that, it's a huge demo, without loading additional parts from the disk. I think it's a mature demo-pack and proved to B+H that we were the number one in town. The whole concept of the demo is about to write strange, innovative, sophisticated routines. This demo was created in a short period of time (some weeks).

  • Part 0. Just to be sure everyone knows what this demo is about. Logos by me (the moons are not).
  • Part 1. Maybe the best part, again the message presented with a style ;) I remember that I had a few raster-bar's time left when finished this part, so to fill the screen with code I created that shiny effect at the top. (I hope some of you understands what I am writing about...) The 1x1 scroll is my idea, the border scroll with split raster bars is a good one.
  • Part 2. A DYCP scroll (Note: right now, when I'm moving this text in 2009 I just checked what DYCP means: Different Y Character Position. I didn't know. :). As the scrolltext tells: I was thinking about how to code a DYCP (I had seen one before) for about 20 minutes and the next day I coded it for four hours. The result is in this part.
  • Part 3. Not an eventful part, The splitting scroll effect is basically the same as the one in the first part. Takes very much raster time.
  • Part 4. Teonaki's part. Comes with a nice six-colored logo (outline design by Teo). The three-channel dynamic analyzer is a nice job. Teo made a 2x2 scroll that is capable of displaying accented characters. Nice.
  • Part 5. This part has a really doomy mood. I like the music very much. I used the extended color mode for the first time (will play an important role in Solitaire later). The multicolor logo is made to be "transparent", thus I was able to change all three colors of High Woltage. The bottom border scroll is of course my idea, I think I proved to be quite an inventive coder.


  • Our Answer!: 198 blocks of our best demo from 1990. (174 848 bytes)
All screen shots presented here contain the whole screen area (or even more), the borders are always included. Of course there're some border take-offs... Captured using CCS64 and its Use PAL Palette mode.

Part 1 (SCC)Part 0 (SCC) - IntroPart 3 (SCC)Part 2 (SCC) - DYCPPart 5 (SCC) - CreditsPart 4 (TEO) - Dynamic Analyzer


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C64 Corner

I don't remember exactly when I had my first encounter with the Commodore 64, neither the day when I finished my first program on that machine. But I'm sure that some months later I was programming the 6510 processor in assembly and I was drawing logos and character sets to please my creative instincts.

A year ago (1999?) I ran into a C64 emulator for the PC, the shareware CCS64 of Per Håkan Sundell. While playing the old games like "Revs Simulator", "Katakis", "Le Mans" or "Archon" I realized that somewhere in a drawer I still had my Commodore floppy disks. I borrowed a 1541 II floppy drive and a serial cable and copied all the disks' content into D64 images.


Please note that these disk images are for personal use only. These .D64 files are not distributable by any channels without prior permission of the author.

To view my Commodore 64 products I highly recommend the shareware CCS64 emulator of Per Håkan Sundell. Of course, a real C64 is the best way to experience the touch of the late eighties, early nineties. Visit the CCS64 Home to get the installer.