
Get a Life (1991)

Get a life is a game of Teonaki. In this game you're a virus and you have to kill a mainframe using some sort of VOS ("Virus Operating System") from command line.

The idea of this game was born in Teonaki's head, he wanted to create a game in which the player would play the role of a deadly computer virus. In those days encounters with viruses were pretty common things. The game took third prize as well in a contest.

I don't remember exactly the game play. In the upper part of the screen a schematic map of a computer network was displayed, with some terminals and a main frame. The object of the game was to kill the main frame through infecting machines. There was a central virus killer that removed infection from machines. It was a really nice real-time game.

The lower part was some sort of a console. The player was able to execute commands to control the virus, to infect different parts of the network. The commands were interpreted and executed or denied by the Virus Operating System.

The commands I was able to decipher:

  • cls: Clear screen
  • quit: Give up
  • ver: Display version info
  • dir: Display disk information of drive
  • a: / c: (only on consoles): change drive
  • c1 - c12: change console
  • 1 / 2 / 3: change local board
  • cxx/y: change console and board at the same time
  • I was able to discover some other command fragments, but was unable to use them properly: brain, tape, hico ?, hide ?, track. I have absolutely no idea how you can infect disks, machines, etc.


  • Full Version: The full version of Get a Life. (174 848 bytes)
    Autoloader, start with LOAD":*",8,8


All screen shots presented here contain the whole screen area (or even more), the borders are always included. Of course there're some border take-offs... Captured using CCS64 and its Use PAL Palette mode.

IntroGet a Life - Splash Screen
Game Board


Zsolt Wagner October 14, 2009 at 11:25 PM  

Get a Life
1.0 (beta)

You have to disconnect as many "Boards" and "Comps" from the net as you can. Race against an AV software checking all nodes periodically.
If you manage to get on the tape drive there's a chance that you will be loaded in to the Brain and you can kill the whole system.

It took the 3rd place because it was seen by the judges as unethical (LOL) to write a game about infecting computers with viruses.

cn [1-12] - "comps"
cn/m [1-12]/[1-3] - "boards"
ver - version info
quit - ...
dir - ...
cls - ...
a: - floppy drive
c: - hdd
t: - tape (only on comps)
m: - memory
brain - brain

hide cb - infect the boot record
hide cp - infect the partition table
hide cs - infect system files
hide ce - infect .exe files
hide cd - infect data files
hide a0 - infect boot sector
hide af - infect free sectors
hide a8 - infect track 81
hide t - get on the tape

discon n [1-3 or 1-C] - disconnect boards or comps
hico n - hide in local RAM for n*8 secs


KERTES Gábor December 10, 2009 at 3:22 PM  

Great, thanks, TEO. Will update the post soon.

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C64 Corner

I don't remember exactly when I had my first encounter with the Commodore 64, neither the day when I finished my first program on that machine. But I'm sure that some months later I was programming the 6510 processor in assembly and I was drawing logos and character sets to please my creative instincts.

A year ago (1999?) I ran into a C64 emulator for the PC, the shareware CCS64 of Per Håkan Sundell. While playing the old games like "Revs Simulator", "Katakis", "Le Mans" or "Archon" I realized that somewhere in a drawer I still had my Commodore floppy disks. I borrowed a 1541 II floppy drive and a serial cable and copied all the disks' content into D64 images.


Please note that these disk images are for personal use only. These .D64 files are not distributable by any channels without prior permission of the author.

To view my Commodore 64 products I highly recommend the shareware CCS64 emulator of Per Håkan Sundell. Of course, a real C64 is the best way to experience the touch of the late eighties, early nineties. Visit the CCS64 Home to get the installer.